McMahan Chapel United Methodist Church

The chapel

The first church building at McMahan’s was constructed of logs in 1837, upon the arrival of Methodist Missionary Reverend Littleton Fowler. After nine years of labor on the Texas Mission Field, Fowler died on January 29, 1846. Because of his great love for his new found home and the Chapel he dearly loved, Rev. Fowler was buried beneath the pulpit of the Chapel as he requested. The second building was erected in 1872; the third in 1900; and the present landmark Chapel was completed in 1949. All of these buildings have occupied the same spot so that the grave of Rev. Fowler would not be disturbed. McMahan Chapel was one of the first three Methodist Churches in the United States to be designated a "Landmark Site" by the General Commission on Archives and History.

 McMahan continues regular worship services and the sanctuary is open daily to the public for prayer. The guest register shows that people from all around the world stop here for moments of prayer and meditation. Furnished throughout with Memorial gifts, the awe inspiring stained glass windows memorialize many early Methodists. Rev. Littleton Fowler’s massive marble headstone is in the pulpit area and stands behind the preacher of the day, a constant reminder of the faith and work of Texas’ earliest Methodist.

We recently had our stained glass restored.  In attempting to determine who actually made the window in 1949, we ran across many people who knew "a little" about them, but nothing that really helped us out.  Then, we heard of a man, Herbert Davis, from Oklahoma who had done work in the Dallas area.  Mr. Davis did not include an actual signature on his stained glass.  However, we were told that his "signature" was to put 6 toes on Jesus and/or Paul.  So, we checked, and sure enough our windows have a six toed Jesus and Paul!

Jack & Charlsie Maund Museum and Events Ctr.

 Again, for several years, the dream of the faithful few was to have a museum for the collection and preservation of McMahan Chapel and early Texas Methodist memorabilia. In October, 2002, that dream came to fruition when the first event was held in the Maund Museum and Events Center during the Annual McMahan Chapel Celebration. The Center, located just a few yards North of the Chapel, is fully equipped with kitchen, restroom facilities, bridal dressing room, tables and chairs. Beautifully decorated, the Center is available for gatherings of families, confirmation and Sunday School classes, wedding receptions and retreats.