McMahan Chapel Cemetery

The McMahan Chapel Cemetery predates even the organization of the McMahan Society in 1833. One avenue of The Old Spanish Trail passed through this area. Many travelers stopped here to camp because of the ever running spring. Several of the oldest graves are covered with the native “blue” rock quarried nearby and history has no record of who lies buried beneath. McMahan Chapel Cemetery has more than four hundred marked graves, some dating back as early as the 1830’s. Here can be found the graves of such notable leaders as Samuel Doak McMahan, Rev. Daniel Poe, Rev. L. E. Wratten, Rev. John W. Mills, Rev. S. A. Weimer, Rev. Phil Kirby, Rev. Charles Simpson.


On October 1, 2023, the we celebrated the designation of the cemetery as a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark.  Bishop Harvey joined us for services and the unveiling of the marker, followed by a reception of food and fellowship.